This morning I was smart and didn't put heavy whipping cream in my coffee. I am having black coffee instead. I have also discovered that the bread I usually eat has sugar in it. This is disappointing since I was looking forward to having toast and eggs for breakfast. I guess I will have the eggs with some green instead.
I have included a picture of the label for my offending bread so you can see where the sugar is listed. It's not always easy to find since it is sometimes hidden. This one is 3/4 of the way down the list and called Organic Dried Cane Syrup (Sugar). Other companies get very creative with their descriptions of sugar, often times adding 3 to 5 different types of sugar to one product under names like, Agave, Honey, Maltodextrin, High Fructose Corn syrup, Monosodium Glutamate, Sugar, Cane Syrup, Brown Rice Syrup, Malt Syrup, and the list goes on and on.
Aside for my disappointing bread, I have a slight headache this morning, but less back pain than usual. I have noticed that without the shot of sugar I usually get from my coffee creamer, I get hungry very quickly in the morning. I usually can have my sugared coffee at 5:45am and not be hungry until 10 or 11am. Without sugar in my coffee, I am hungry within an hour of being awake and my black coffee does nothing for me. I have to eat breakfast!
So, on that note I am going to go and do just that. This morning's breakfast will be eggs, sunny side up, with cheese and a salad. What are you having for breakfast?
-Alicia Cubbage